A Voice for your Vote in State and Local Politics

Fear, intimidation and violence from illegal immigrants keep Americans indoors and from speaking out. The Tea Party opens the door for free speech once again.

“I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money” President Obama

Monday, August 23, 2010

Obama's "Hopium addicted followers"

How to talk "Tea Party" to Obama's 
"Hopium addicted followers"

You ever notice every story and every accomplishment the Obama administration takes credit or points out as an accomplishment they always have a "special set of circumstances" or a story" or an "explanation" . Nothing is cut and dry. They measure Jobs Created in a way no other administration has ever done it, they count "jobs saved". The only problem with that explanation is; there isn't a way to measure how many jobs were saved.

The Unemployment Figure no longer has the people who stopped looking or their unemployment ran out, don't they count anymore? The REAL unemployed number is closer 17%, 2 points higher than Jimmy Carter. They claim the number of Created Jobs and Saved Jobs is about 3,000,000. If you calculate the amount of money spent on the Stimulus, that's about $410,000 per job. Did you get one of them? Do you know anyone who did?

Let's talk about the 12 Stimulus Packages (cash for clunkers, banks, Auto industry, Freddy Mac, etc, etc) did they help? Their story is " it would have been worse"!. Maybe, but the 12 Stimulus Packages didn't do what they claimed they would do. In fact they haven't hit one single goal or prediction. Do you know why? Because history has taught us that you can't spend your way out of a recession, no matter how much money you print. The deficit went from 3.5 trillion under Bush to 12 Trillion under Obama. This is a real hard question now, " Do you think our economy is better off after 12 trillion dollars and 12 Stimulus Packages? Are you better off after 2 years? All they do is BBA, Blame Bush Again. Next time laugh at them when they say it. This may be Bush's economy, but it's Obama's Recovery. It's Obama's unemployment

How about
* Ramming a fiscally irresponsible Health Care system down America's throat and lying about the costs, increases and cutting Social Security.
* Failed fiscal policies, including the multiple stimuli,
* Bail-outs, TARPs and takeovers
* High unemployment that continues unabated
* Wealth redistribution and regressive tax polices on small business.
* Massive government expansion
* Out-of-control spending
* Shadow government of czars with Cabinet members as figure heads and puppets.
* Subverting of our Constitution
* Catering to radical special interest groups (SEIU, ACORN, etc)
* Disastrous foreign policy weakening America's worldwide position and status (bowing to foreign Kings, wanting to "talk" nice and get people to like us again)
* Ineffective immigration policy which prosecutes and attacks everyone but the illegal aliens.
* Allowing a Foreign Government (Mexico's Leader) to address Congress and chastise our immigration policy and Liberals and Democrats giving him a standing ovation.
* Allowing Mexico to sue Arizona over over right to stop THEIR people from entering our country illegally.

Let's not forget to mention the condescending Leftist elitism ,corrupt congressional members, failure to prosecute any "black/Minority" racism, brick wall "transparency" which excluded all Republicans.

And this was done in less than two years and I know I missed some things. Wonder what the next two has in store for us.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Ted Danz, Tea Party Persona non grata

Much as we hate to admit it, Ted Danz is not a friend to the Tea Party. Recent published reports on his GOP ties and issues with the "all to familiar" antics of the ingrained Two Party system have made Danz an insider, not the outsider he claims to be.
We find no difference between the "way" Danz does business than the way Tonko does business. A wink here, a nod there , a backroom deal here and slap on the back there, Danz has shown himself to be just another political party hack willing to make deals for the office. Danz is Chairman of the Guilderland Republican Committee and Vice-Chairman of the Albany County Republican Committee I'm at a loss as to how he can  portray himself as an "outsider". His attempt to align himself with the Tea Party is only smoke and mirrors. The only thing the Tea Party means to him is votes. What the Tea Party stands for and what the Tea Party wants will fall on deaf ears if he is elected. 
Ted Danz running for the 21st Congressional Seat is a lesson to be learned in "politics as usual" whether it's the GOP or Democrats his actions to lock out any third party candidates is typical "business as usual". Although we seem to associate ourselves more with the GOP and a "conservative" approach, the Tea Party has to remain independent of the two political "factions" and his actions speak louder than words.
We received a call from people supporting Danz and the call was an attempt to "bully" the Tea Party and "strong arm" what we say, what we do and who we can support and not support. It was a blatant attempt to make the Tea Party "tow the line". Fortunately they ran straight into Mimi who, if you haven't figured it out yet, doesn't like being bullied or strong armed.
I placed a call to the person representing Danz's who made the call to Mimi. Our conversation  was amicable and he admitted he was the one who challenged  Joe Sullivan's signatures to stop him from "taking votes away from Danz", in essence it was political hardball from the Albany GOP. Everyone surrounding Danz is part of the GOP/Republican party and from my conversation all they do is present Danz as a grassroots conservative when he is around the Tea Party and behind close doors in Albany he is just part of the same old GOP/Republican machine. 
Although we won't endorse candidates, we do let our members know who is running. We feel a vote for Danz is no better than a vote for Tonko. We need change not a Democratic Hack or a another GOP Hack. So far the only candidate that has shown a true grassroots campaign is Joe Sullivan.
As we conclude our vetting on possible candidates, we'll keep all the members informed.