A Voice for your Vote in State and Local Politics

Fear, intimidation and violence from illegal immigrants keep Americans indoors and from speaking out. The Tea Party opens the door for free speech once again.

“I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money” President Obama

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Katie Couric, about time...

A final note about Katie Couric, the once perky outspoken anchor of the Today Show is going the way of Dan Rather, another liberal pushing the progressive agenda who forgets half of the country doesn’t agree with her and the Left wing fanatics. Of course, like many on the Left, everyone else is to blame for her failure except her.

I love to see bias left wing media personalities with agendas “Crash and Burn”. Air America, the failed liberal talk radio show had the same problem. Who wanted to listen to Liberal whining and people bashing the Right all day long? Keith Olbermann of MSNBC was let go because people got sick and tired of the constant one-way reporting.

One of the reasons FOX wins the rating wars EVERY NIGHT is because people get pissed off when they find out they have been deceived and everything isn’t being reported. Even the "useful" idiots who blindly follow whatever the left says, get pissed when they find out.

Goodbye Katie, we won’t miss you!!

PS, Sarah Palin says Hi!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Watch the Republicans too

The Republican Party

The Tea Party was responsible for putting the Republicans back in office. That is a fact. Now people like Karl Rove, who disparaged the potential candidacy of Donald Trump like he did Christine O'Donnell. Hours after she won the primary, Rove practically killed her candidacy by announcing she wasn’t viable. Whose side is this guy on?

The Tea Party is feared by the Right because they can’t be controlled. It scares them as much as it scares the Left. Power Brokers like Rove can’t control or buy them. We have to watch out for the Right and who we pick to help support. RINO’s and those Republicans who think it’s business as usual need to be thrown out and replaced along with the Liberal/Progressive Left.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Glen Beck puts Left into cardiac arrest

Glen Beck puts Left into cardiac arrest

The Left is in Panic mode! The Whitehouse went into panic mode and the press secretary Robert Gibbs tried in vain to downplay it, the so called Progressive Liberals and Democrats are in panic mode. The sympathetic left wing media also tried to downplay the event, they tried lie about attendance, they said it was meaningless, the rags that call themselves "newspapers" printed inaccurate information, even our old favorite nutcase Howard Dean (the disturbed "yee -ha" presidential candidate and ineffective former head of the DNC) called the people attending the rally on Aug. 28th "lost" but no matter how they tried to say it, spin it, cover it, they were in shock!

Even Republicans were forced kicking and screaming to take notice of 300,000 -500,000 (depending on who you ask, on which day, at which hour) people in attendance. Glen Beck proved he as smart as his new book claims. He had his own cameras high atop the Washington Monument taking pictures, roaming camera crews and when they called him a racist and the people "gun toting nuts" he showed the images of the black, white, Puerto Ricans, Hindi, Chinese, Japanese, Mexicans, South Americans, Africans, Hindi's, etc, etc in the crowd, the ministers, reverends, priests, imams, Rabbi's, evangelicals on the stage and kept the cameras on the crowds praying and singing.

Even as the Reverend Al (Tiwanna Brawly, donate your money) Sharpton attacked Beck in front of a crowd of 15,000, Beck showed just how frustrated and tired the American people were of this President and his disregard for the Constitution. Everyone knew for every person at the Washington Rally, there were 10 or more sitting at home who didn't come who are going to vote this November and they are NOT voting for the Democrats!

When asked, many said they belonged to a Tea Party or similar grassroots organization. We have watched those on the Left and the Right who haven't paid attention to the Tea Party message go down in defeat during their primaries.  While the Democrats just refuse to believe the Tea Party is anything more than a bunch of misguided Americans, some Republican camps still have that "good 'ol boy" mentality and have tried to influence local Tea Party's and organizations and have gone on the defensive to block, stop and have third party candidates eliminated outright so as NOT to face them in the primaries or voting booth. Many believe they are entitled to be on the Conservative ticket have used the same old dirty politics as the Democrats to get themselves as the "defacto"/default candidate.

You can answer this question yourself.  If they were afraid you were going to vote for a different Conservative candidate over the Republican, what does that say about the Republican candidate who running credentials?   What does it say about committing to the Conservative Standards and values? Who wants to vote for a candidate who only got on the conservative ticket by getting his opponent thrown off?

Let me ask this question. Does anyone really believe Lazio is in the race for Governor to win?  Winning the favor of the NY Times is NOT an endorsement, but rather an indictment of his willingness to "play ball". Has anyone heard of Lazio coming up and addressing upstate New Yorkers?

If the only way to win is playing dirty, they should keep Lazio off the ticket and do everything for Palidino, at least he could win it for the Republicans. The same "machine" that keeps the Democrats in power in Albany, for good or bad, keeps the Republicans in power as well. There isn't a place for third party candidates or Tea Party candidates unless they are part of the "machines", endorsed by the "machines", backed by the "machines". This is the reason people like Sarah Palin scare the established political power brokers into wetting their pants. She doesn't owe anything to anyone and more times than not, when she backs a candidate over the incumbent or the  "chosen" and "blessed" Republican candidate, the third party candidate more often than not, wins.

Come election day remember the Tea Party origins and vote for the best candidate who represents YOU and can represent YOUR values.

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