A Voice for your Vote in State and Local Politics

Fear, intimidation and violence from illegal immigrants keep Americans indoors and from speaking out. The Tea Party opens the door for free speech once again.

“I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money” President Obama

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Governor Paterson is at it again, tax rather than cut spending

Guest Contributor : George Marino

Governor Paterson is at it again trying to pass a soda tax instead of trying to cut spending, true to the nature of the beast he is again trying his best to raise taxes. Governor enough is enough this tax will only add to the burden of low income families and raise the cost of living in New York State even higher. You have closed our parks, raised taxes and did nothing to cut spending. It’s punish the people till they agree to except your tax raises.

Why is it always the first things that are cut always affect the tax payer personally and not the officials who created the problems in the first place? Millions of dollars can be cut from the budget by cutting the bureaucracy in government but we never hear anything on that subject.
If you truly want to cut spend prove it.

You can start by sending renewals for license, registration and other document in one language, English there is no reason we should have to print everything in several languages, just that one thing alone would save New York taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars if not millions in printing coat.
Governor please, it's time to stop peeing on our leg and telling us it’s raining!

Think you qualify for one of Obama's healthcare tax credits? Think again

Matthew Clemente

In an article written for the Associated Press, Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar takes a closer look at the new tax credits included in President Obama's health care overhaul law.  Alonso-Zaldivar reports that many small business owners who were lead to believe that they would qualify for the President's health care credits were disappointed to find out that they are in fact ineligible:
When the administration unveiled the small business tax credit earlier this week, officials touted its "broad eligibility" for companies with fewer than 25 workers and average annual wages under $50,000 that provide health coverage... Lost in the fine print: The credit drops off sharply once a company gets above 10 workers and $25,000 average annual wages.
The administration's failure to make note of this "fine print" has left many small business owners searching for their piece of the tax credit pie.  One such owner, Zach Hoffman of Springfield, Illinois, was under the impression that his furniture company would receive federal assistance for the $79,200 it pays annually in health insurance premiums for its 24 employees.  "It leaves you with this feeling of a bait-and-switch," he said once he found out that his company--which pays workers an average of $35,000 a year-- did not qualify for the credit.
Linda Blumberg, an economist from the Urban Institute public policy center, says:
You can get zero even if you are not hitting the max on both pieces.
That's because although on paper the credit appears to be available to companies with fewer than 25 workers and average wages of $50,000, in practice it's not as simple as that.  Blumberg says that a complex formula that combines the number of employees and their average salary works against small businesses that have more than 10 workers and $25,000 in average wages.  So even though it is possible for slightly larger small businesses to qualify for the tax credit, it is far less likely.
Hoffman says that in order for his furniture company to get the most out of the federal tax credit, he would have to cut his work force by 14 employees and lower the wages of those who remained.  He believes that that seems like a strange outcome, especially considering the fact that unemployment is close to 10 percent.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Boycott illegal immigrant “Sanctuary Cities.”

Sanctuary Cities are dangerous for Americans

I think Americans are going about this all wrong. We need to boycott the dangerous “Sanctuary Cities” that ignore immigration laws and harbor illegal criminal aliens! The illegal criminal immigrants run rampant and commit crimes and fear little. They are simply not safe. Innocent people and their families  have been victimized by illegal aliens as a result of the refusal of our elected officials to enforce United States immigration laws in their cities. Americans remain unprotected from this unwanted invasion of unidentified people from across the world. No region of the country has been spared and the citizens presented come from all walks of life. Illegal aliens murder 12 Americans daily.  At one point, the death toll in 2006 far overshadows total U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq AND Afghanistan at that time.

There are hundreds of stories lime these but here are some examples

-Illegal Alien, Rafael Ramirez Perez, Injures Three, Kills One US Citizen In Hit And Run Drunk Driving Accident After Being Arrested 4 Times And Deported

-Anthony Bologna, 48, and his sons Michael, 20, and Matthew, 16, were returning from a picnic when they were gunned down on June 16, allegedly by Salvadoran national Edwin Ramos, 22.

-Deputy Josie Greathouse Fox was gunned down about 1 a.m., during a traffic stop a mile east of Delta. Her body was found by a second deputy, who was responding to a request for backup. Fox a mother of two, had been with the Millard County Sheriff’s Department five years. Millard Country Sheriff Robert A. Dekker has informed the media that the shooter, Roberto Miramontes Roman, is a Mexican national,

-Legally Licensed Illegal Alien Drunk Driver Kills Marine and his Date

-Mauricio Escalante a 33-year-old illegal immigrant was arrested Saturday for stabbing to death a 17-year-old The teenager’s affront that set off the fatal confrontation — daring to speak English in America.

Start boycotting Sanctuary Cities and let them know we had enough.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Commentary: A Mosque In The Show Of Ground Zero.

by George Marino, Guest Contributor

Mayor Bloomberg is spitting on the graves of the victims who were murdered by radical Moslems on 9/11. Mayor Bloomberg it seems you have no respect for the people of New York and even less for the victims of 9/11 and their Families. A mosque built anywhere near ground zero is an insult to all of America! It emboldens our enemies and will stand as a victory monument to radical Muslims all over the world. You are putting your own self interest of political correctness and the fear of loosing your Islamic supporters over what is right. The people who want to build this mosque should show some remorse and respect but I see neither. I can see only insult, and you should too.

(for those who think it's okay, consider this; If the Japanese decided to open a cultural centre across from Pearl Harbour, that would be insensitive. If the Germans opened a Bach choral society across from Auschwitz, even after all these years, that would be an insensitive setting)It may be legal , but it's not right.

Sarah Palin boosts "Mom's awakening'

Sarah Palin thrilled a high-powered mostly female crowd of activists and fundraisers Friday morning in Washington with a speech, touting a “mom awakening” in America “with women standing up and saying, ‘no, we don’t like where things are going.’”

Palin spoke to the Susan B. Anthony List’s fundraising breakfast — praising the women there as “mama grizzlies”— before flying to South Carolina to throw her weight behind one of the GOP’s most promising young women candidates — state Rep. Nikki Haley, who is running for that state's gubernatorial seat.

For the many conservative women, Palin is the standard-bearer for what the former Alaska governor sees as a new feminism led by “gun-toting, pro-life moms.”

Soon after walking on the stage, Palin tried to quiet the crowd by thanking her many “sisters” in the audience — who included Colorado Senate candidate Jane Norton, Tennessee House candidate Robin Smith and Pam Bondi, a Republican candidate for attorney general in Florida.

The crowd was a who’s who of Washington’s pro-life power elite, assembled by SBA List President Marjorie Dannenfelser — including Reps. Steve King (R-Iowa), Chris Smith (R-N.J.) and John Culberson (R-Texas).

Spotted in the room was Washington attorney John Coale, the husband of Fox News host Greta Van Susteren — both of whom have been questioned for their ties to Palin by POLITICO and other outlets.

“I’m here with Greta, not for, well, you know,” Coale told POLITICO during a short discussion at the edge of the room.

Palin repeatedly pushed her theme that the GOP’s women are the real source of energy and innovation in the party.

“Washington, you don’t want to mess with the moms rising up,” Palin said. “If you thought pit bulls were tough then you don’t want to mess with the mama grizzlies, a lot of whom are in this room.”

Palin declared the pro-life feminist movement to be on the march and at the forefront of what she believes can be a new GOP power structure.

“It’s an emerging conservative feminist identity. For a long time when people thought of feminists, they thought of some faculty lounge at an East Coast women’s college,” Palin said. “Our pro-woman sisterhood is telling young women that they are strong enough to handle an unplanned pregnancy and give their children life in addition to pursuing a career and pursuing and education.

Iranian Cleric Calls for Iran to Dominate the Middle East

Before Obama won the election, I saw plenty of his supporters online, implying that the Islamic threat would cease to exist, if Obama took office. The threat remained. Then Obama went into his Muslim outreach mode, in which he has bent over backwards for them. The result of these policies, have been that he has made us look weak, and emboldened the Islamic world. Now Iran is rattling the cage once again, and no one is pushing back. We need a strong leader, not an Islamic appeaser.

Full Story http://loganswarning.com/2010/05/16/iranian-cleric-calls-for-iran-to-dominate-the-middle-east/

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Lib’s Dem’s and Prog’s, a whole new ballgame.

For the last 30 years the Left has had a monopoly on protests, rallies, demonstrations and causes while the Republicans and the Right had to sit and watch.

The Sharpton’s and Jackson’s did the “race baiting”, the eco nuts did the Green stuff, the radical activist arms of the Left filled the Liberal media with causes and how evil the Right was at everything. We were blamed for everything and I’m surprised the volcano in Iceland wasn’t blamed on Bush like everything else.

That all seems to be changing with the Tea Party. This time the Right is having rallies, protests and demonstrations and the Left doesn’t know what to do or how to act! They look like a “deer caught in the headlights” and the only way they seem to react is with violence , cursing and distorting the truths.

This time the Right are the crusaders for a cause and the various Lib, dem and prog groups are on the defensive, a position they haven’t had much experience with in the last 30 years.

Immigration or rather illegal immigration is a just cause being taken up by 50-70% of Americans. We’re tired of the murders, drug smuggling, rapes and robberies. We’re tired of the illegal criminals receiving welfare benefits, state subsidies and federal aid. We’re tired of the illegal criminals being allowed federal and state school assistance and overloading the local school systems not to mention the colleges and universities, where upon graduation, they aren’t even eligible to work in America!

We’re tired of our tax dollars being used to “buy” the illegal immigrant votes. The Tea Party’s have given voice to the concerns of Americans and have united Americans against abuse of our generosity by the Liberal Progressives and their quest to buy more votes buy allowing more and more illegal criminals into the country. Nuff said.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Why this average American is joining Tea Party Nation by Constance J. Tobey

Why this average American is joining Tea Party NationPosted by Constance J. Tobey

View Constance J. Tobey's blog
Aside from participating in every national election since I was old enough to vote, I have not been what you would call politically active. Recently I registered with Tea Party Nation, and am using my vacation to attend the Tea Party Unity Convention in Las Vegas. I do not care for Las Vegas, especially in July, when the heat is unbelievable. I shall try to bear up in my air-conditioned suite. This blog post is for all the quiet, hard-working Americans who are trying to keep their country from being sold out from underneath them. See you in Las Vegas.


by Constance Tobey

I am joining the Tea Party Movement because I believe Mark Twain, who said,"Patriotism is supporting your country all of the time, and your government when it deserves it." I think this government is taking a path that will lead to much unhappiness and suffering for it's citizens. How can I remain silent?

I am joining because of my 87-year-old mother, who every week out of her hard-earned savings writes checks for the poor in Haiti, the local homeless shelter, and many others in need. I want her to be able to send her money where it is most needed, not have it taken away from her and wasted in huge, soulless government programs.

I am joining because of the eighth-graders in the school where I work who will in a week's time be visiting Gettysburg, Arlington, and the monuments in Washington to a freedom loving people who have given everything that we might enjoy its benefits. I want those students to have the same good life in a free republic that I have had.

I am joining because of my family, some of whom were native Americans, and some of whom have lived here since the mid 1600's. I am descended from a person who built fast clipper ships, another who was a U.S. senator and in the 1950's wrote a book about the need for Americans to return to moral behavior. Would that we had listened. Mostly, I am descended from a long line of people who worked hard, worshipped their God, took care of the families and neighbors, shouldered their responsibilities and helped to make our country a place of which to be proud. I don't want to let them down.

I am joining because I am a Christian and my religion is under attack by the very people who should be defending my right to practice it. I owe it to those who have suffered because they had the courage to stand up for their faith.

I am joining because of the men and women in military service who are putting themselves in extreme danger and who have left their lives behind for my sake. They deserve a country that is 100% behind them.

I am joining because speaking out is my right. In a free republic a dissenting opinion may be heard. Intimidation, hatred, and violence are not used to silence those who would speak their conscience. I do not support those who would use them. I will stand up against them.

I am joining because of the example set by George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Abraham Lincoln, and all the patriots before me. I want to be able to say I preserved the Constitution, the union, and my country to the best of my ability.

I am joining the Tea Party Movement because I believe good Americans want the truth to prevail, and want us to live for freedom for the generations that come after us. I know that we can change our direction. I believe this because, again in the words of Mark Twain, " An American is a person who does things because they haven't been done before."

NY State, becoming Immigration Sanctuary State

New York State can't afford to help our own aging population, our schools, Legal Aliens, and residents but continues to ignore the Federal Laws, give state aid and allows jobs to be taken away fro residents. When is it going to stop.

The Liberal Left (now called Progressives)has taken over the democratic party. Our Senators and Representatives give our money away and tax us more and more. Illegals are now coming out to rural America and claiming "what we owe them". Lets start passing Local Laws to stop it in our communities.

Sanctuary is a term for cities, counties, or states that are defying a federal law relative to the various government agencies being required to assist the federal government with their illegal immigrants. Contrary to this law, many of these governments are officially or unofficially defying the law and have passed various local policies to ignore the federal law and not question the status of suspected illegal immigrants. Those in defiance of the law prefer to call them undocumented workers and help protect the illegal immigrants from being deported.

Eric Holder, Attorney Gen. of Stupid

Over the last week , Attorney General of the United States went out of his way to comment on the Arizona Immigration Law and oofered his take on the matter. When brought before congress, he admitted he never even read the 10 page bill...

What?.....On TV , Radio and Internet he will lie but won't lie under oath. Another great example of the mental giants Obama puts in office. Make you wonder how smart this president really is. I swear , theses are the decisions people who smoke pot make, one minute it's this the next minute it's that. At least with Clinton, they could function while smoking pot, these people forget what they say from one day to the next. nuff said.....

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

School Board Vote - Debra Stolar

When the average American decides to take a stand and back up their words, it's time for others to back them. Debra Stolar is just such a person. Rather than sit back and watch, Ms. Stolar has decided to run for the School Board. We think she deserves our help and deserves backing for standing up for us. We not asking you to vote for her based on our word, we're asking you to consider her because she DID take a stand and willing to take the time away from her family to get involved. She is backing up her words , now it'stime to give Ms. Stolar a little backing at the polls.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Meeting May 11th


We wish to welcome the Voters of Schoharie County to attend our monthly meeting and show their support.

The meeting will be held at

Lancasters Construction
45 Podpadic Road
Richmondville, NY

Paul Tonko at Best Western Cobleskill May 14th

Paul Tonko, Congressman for the 21 District, which includes Schoharie County, will be a guest at the Democratic Dinner on May 14th at the Best Western.

Mr. Tonko has openly spoke against, if not mocked, the Tea Party.

His visit should be discussed at the Tea Party Meeting Tuesday May 11th at Lancaster Constructions. This would be a perfect opportunity to have Mr. Tonko declare his intentions on matters such as Immigration, Value Added Tax (VAT)and spending in the coming term.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Schoharie Tea Party: Bob Bennett, a lesson for Local Politicians

The recent defeat of Republican Bob Bennett, Senator of Utah was a clear wakeup call for many especially for the Liberal Democrats (Progressives). There has been an unprecedented (Obama’s favorite word) exit of career Democrats, both Ultra Liberal (Progressives) and Moderates alike, since the signing of the tragic Healthcare Bill along with nation killing bailouts, high unemployment, violent illegal immigration protests and the continued unprecedented taxing of the American people.

The Bills, Taxes, illegal immigration and unemployment alone aren’t responsible for their leaving (voluntary or involuntary). The biggest reason they are being ousted is the fact they didn’t listen to what the people were saying, what the people were asking, what the people wanted!. They forgot they work for us!

The Tea Party Movement , if it can be called that, is putting an end to the big “Tammany Hall” fat cats sitting in smoky back rooms making deals. For those who are not familiar with the phrase “Tammany Hall” members of Democratic Tammany Hall had a corrupt stronghold on New York City politics from the early 1800s until the 1930s. They made sure the politicians they had in their pocket voted the way they wanted regardless of what the people wanted. Sound familiar?

Selection of candidates is no longer left to a few individuals in each party. Candidates will have to convince the people they will stand up for our conservative values and if they don’t, they have to answer to us. The Tea Party give the people the ability to voice their concerns and as a voting block, the ability to influence elections.

As Bob Bennett found out, what he promises in an election year doesn’t matter as much as what he actually did when he voted. This is a message to all of the politicians who face the Tea Party in your state. If we can help to elect you, we can help to throw you out.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Bob Antonacci for attorney general

A lawyer and a CPA with no ties to Albany. It would be nice to have an Attorney General who wasn't waiting to run for Governor. Maybe Bob can sue the Fed for Healthcare. He's at least a "watch" for Tea Party Candidate.

Onondaga County Comptroller Bob Antonacci, who had been exploring a run for comptroller, is now being drafted to run for attorney general.

Jay Dutcher, chairman of the Ontario County Republican Party, made the case for Antonacci in an e-mail to State Chairman Ed Cox and other regional vice chairmen of the party. There are no Republicans formally seeking the party’s nod, but Staten Island District Attorney Dan Donovan is close to announcing he will run.

“Some of the chairs I’ve talked to thought it was a great idea,” said John DeSpirito, chairman of the Onondaga County Republican Committee. “They think he has all the credentials to do the job, and with a team of Steve Levy and Harry Wilson and himself, it would be a great team for our party and the state of New York.”

I asked DeSpirito about Donovan.

“I don’t even know if this man exists,” he said. “He’s never contacted me, I’ve never met him, he’s never faxed or e-amiled. I don’t even know if the man exists. We have to move forward, and I would like to see Bob step up and do this for us.”

DeSpirito said Antonacci will be at the regional candidate screening meeting at the Rusty Rail Restaurant in Canestota, Madison County, tomorrow morning.

Companies considered dropping their Health Care coverage to employees in favor of Obama-care.

Well, it’s only a matter of time. As reported in our web site www.teapartyofsc.com, companies considered dropping their health care coverage in favor of Obama-care because the fines are cheaper than the coverage. Employees affected, will now be forced to take the Obama-care plan if they want insurance.

We ask the question again to everyone who believes in Obama-care , those who are part of Unions and those who continue to vote the Senators and House members into office who shoved this down out throat..

What incentive does an Employer or Union have to provide Health Care? The fine for AT&T would have amounted to $2,000 per employee, costing the company a grand total of $600 million a year. Maintaining benefits, meanwhile, will cost the firm some $4.6 billion. Let’s look at the actual number.

$4,600,000,000 Billion


$   600,000,000 Million

I would like to hear from someone, anyone who still thinks some companies or Unions won't take this path to save money. How about all of you people who oppose the Tea Party? How about Mr. Wouk? 

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Meeting May 11th

We wish to welcome the Voters of Schoharie County to attend our monthly meeting and show their support. 

The meeting will be held at 

Lancasters Construction
45 Podpadic Road
Richmondville, NY
