A Voice for your Vote in State and Local Politics

Fear, intimidation and violence from illegal immigrants keep Americans indoors and from speaking out. The Tea Party opens the door for free speech once again.

“I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money” President Obama

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Lib’s Dem’s and Prog’s, a whole new ballgame.

For the last 30 years the Left has had a monopoly on protests, rallies, demonstrations and causes while the Republicans and the Right had to sit and watch.

The Sharpton’s and Jackson’s did the “race baiting”, the eco nuts did the Green stuff, the radical activist arms of the Left filled the Liberal media with causes and how evil the Right was at everything. We were blamed for everything and I’m surprised the volcano in Iceland wasn’t blamed on Bush like everything else.

That all seems to be changing with the Tea Party. This time the Right is having rallies, protests and demonstrations and the Left doesn’t know what to do or how to act! They look like a “deer caught in the headlights” and the only way they seem to react is with violence , cursing and distorting the truths.

This time the Right are the crusaders for a cause and the various Lib, dem and prog groups are on the defensive, a position they haven’t had much experience with in the last 30 years.

Immigration or rather illegal immigration is a just cause being taken up by 50-70% of Americans. We’re tired of the murders, drug smuggling, rapes and robberies. We’re tired of the illegal criminals receiving welfare benefits, state subsidies and federal aid. We’re tired of the illegal criminals being allowed federal and state school assistance and overloading the local school systems not to mention the colleges and universities, where upon graduation, they aren’t even eligible to work in America!

We’re tired of our tax dollars being used to “buy” the illegal immigrant votes. The Tea Party’s have given voice to the concerns of Americans and have united Americans against abuse of our generosity by the Liberal Progressives and their quest to buy more votes buy allowing more and more illegal criminals into the country. Nuff said.

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