A Voice for your Vote in State and Local Politics

Fear, intimidation and violence from illegal immigrants keep Americans indoors and from speaking out. The Tea Party opens the door for free speech once again.

“I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money” President Obama

Friday, May 7, 2010

Companies considered dropping their Health Care coverage to employees in favor of Obama-care.

Well, it’s only a matter of time. As reported in our web site www.teapartyofsc.com, companies considered dropping their health care coverage in favor of Obama-care because the fines are cheaper than the coverage. Employees affected, will now be forced to take the Obama-care plan if they want insurance.

We ask the question again to everyone who believes in Obama-care , those who are part of Unions and those who continue to vote the Senators and House members into office who shoved this down out throat..

What incentive does an Employer or Union have to provide Health Care? The fine for AT&T would have amounted to $2,000 per employee, costing the company a grand total of $600 million a year. Maintaining benefits, meanwhile, will cost the firm some $4.6 billion. Let’s look at the actual number.

$4,600,000,000 Billion


$   600,000,000 Million

I would like to hear from someone, anyone who still thinks some companies or Unions won't take this path to save money. How about all of you people who oppose the Tea Party? How about Mr. Wouk? 


  1. with the economy sliping all over the world, this health care plan is anouther tool for government to take control, it is making it imposible for companys to do the right thing and stay in business, its either keep their plans and cut people or drop the plan and keep the people, just to survive, its a lose lose, and how can we win when Patterson, uses everyone to blame, for the problems of the state, to make himself look like a marter, his favorate targets the unions and the state employee, this coming from a man that never wanted to be where he is today, he is a coward, Its those like Obama, and Patterson are slowly killing the american people, While driving in Albany, the other day i saw a bumper sticker that said "I LOVE MY COUNTY, BUT I THINK WE SHOULD START SEEING OTHER PEOPLE" next to an Obama sticker, I wanted to follow them and tell them to just get the H*** out of this great country, this country that I still Love and served Semper Fi
