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Sunday, May 16, 2010

Commentary: A Mosque In The Show Of Ground Zero.

by George Marino, Guest Contributor

Mayor Bloomberg is spitting on the graves of the victims who were murdered by radical Moslems on 9/11. Mayor Bloomberg it seems you have no respect for the people of New York and even less for the victims of 9/11 and their Families. A mosque built anywhere near ground zero is an insult to all of America! It emboldens our enemies and will stand as a victory monument to radical Muslims all over the world. You are putting your own self interest of political correctness and the fear of loosing your Islamic supporters over what is right. The people who want to build this mosque should show some remorse and respect but I see neither. I can see only insult, and you should too.

(for those who think it's okay, consider this; If the Japanese decided to open a cultural centre across from Pearl Harbour, that would be insensitive. If the Germans opened a Bach choral society across from Auschwitz, even after all these years, that would be an insensitive setting)It may be legal , but it's not right.

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