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Fear, intimidation and violence from illegal immigrants keep Americans indoors and from speaking out. The Tea Party opens the door for free speech once again.

“I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money” President Obama

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Iranian Cleric Calls for Iran to Dominate the Middle East

Before Obama won the election, I saw plenty of his supporters online, implying that the Islamic threat would cease to exist, if Obama took office. The threat remained. Then Obama went into his Muslim outreach mode, in which he has bent over backwards for them. The result of these policies, have been that he has made us look weak, and emboldened the Islamic world. Now Iran is rattling the cage once again, and no one is pushing back. We need a strong leader, not an Islamic appeaser.

Full Story http://loganswarning.com/2010/05/16/iranian-cleric-calls-for-iran-to-dominate-the-middle-east/

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