A Voice for your Vote in State and Local Politics

Fear, intimidation and violence from illegal immigrants keep Americans indoors and from speaking out. The Tea Party opens the door for free speech once again.

“I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money” President Obama

Monday, May 10, 2010

Schoharie Tea Party: Bob Bennett, a lesson for Local Politicians

The recent defeat of Republican Bob Bennett, Senator of Utah was a clear wakeup call for many especially for the Liberal Democrats (Progressives). There has been an unprecedented (Obama’s favorite word) exit of career Democrats, both Ultra Liberal (Progressives) and Moderates alike, since the signing of the tragic Healthcare Bill along with nation killing bailouts, high unemployment, violent illegal immigration protests and the continued unprecedented taxing of the American people.

The Bills, Taxes, illegal immigration and unemployment alone aren’t responsible for their leaving (voluntary or involuntary). The biggest reason they are being ousted is the fact they didn’t listen to what the people were saying, what the people were asking, what the people wanted!. They forgot they work for us!

The Tea Party Movement , if it can be called that, is putting an end to the big “Tammany Hall” fat cats sitting in smoky back rooms making deals. For those who are not familiar with the phrase “Tammany Hall” members of Democratic Tammany Hall had a corrupt stronghold on New York City politics from the early 1800s until the 1930s. They made sure the politicians they had in their pocket voted the way they wanted regardless of what the people wanted. Sound familiar?

Selection of candidates is no longer left to a few individuals in each party. Candidates will have to convince the people they will stand up for our conservative values and if they don’t, they have to answer to us. The Tea Party give the people the ability to voice their concerns and as a voting block, the ability to influence elections.

As Bob Bennett found out, what he promises in an election year doesn’t matter as much as what he actually did when he voted. This is a message to all of the politicians who face the Tea Party in your state. If we can help to elect you, we can help to throw you out.

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